The gang went live to tell one thousand dad jokes in honor of Groundhog Day! Here are the rules:
1. Bathroom breaks
- If any co-host has to leave the stream, those remaining will continue telling dad jokes.
- When the person returns, for every dad joke told in their absence, they must do either 5 push-ups or 10 seconds of planking — while telling their dad jokes.
2. No Repeat challenge
- Like the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day, life sometimes repeats.
- But not on this show. If any co-host offers a joke that has been already told, and no one catches it, all other co-hosts must do 40 push-ups or 2 minutes of planking.
- If they are caught, then they do the push-ups or planking.
3. No Laughing challenge
- Every 100 jokes, the gang must go 5 minutes without laughing.
- First person to laugh must do either 40 push-ups or 2 minutes of planking — while telling their dad jokes.
4. Audience challenge
- Anyone on our YouTube, Twitch, or Facebook feeds are free to issue us challenges, which we can choose to accept.
Hosts: Ben “Jammin” Henry, Jonny Spazz, Mike Merz & Josh Read. Produced by People Power Media LLC. SDJ theme song by Jonny Spazz. Groundhog image by Katie White from Pixabay.
Celebrity characters depicted in this show are not affiliated with Sexy Dad Jokes. Materials used in this episode are for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
#ToxicMasculinity #DadJokes #SexyDadJokes #podcast #awesome #BenJammin #JonnySpazz #Merz #Amerzing #Square50sGuy