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The gang’s all here, and toxic masculinity is hot off the press. Ben & Jonny ask, What is toxic masculinity, and what are the basic principles of what a new, modern type of masculinity can look like? We observe a Merz in the wild, as we meet SDJ’s newest contributor. Square ’50s Guy nearly serves up a knuckle sandwich to Jonny. Merz talks about getting called out for saying “you guys.” And Ben pulls out his new power drill.
What is the gender spectrum? What’s a fake alpha? And does getting a power drill make you a man? The gang gets into the meat and potatoes of it all in a revamped Sexy Dad Jokes!


Hosts: Ben “Jammin” Henry & Jonny Spazz. Contributors: Mike Merz & Josh Read. Written and produced by Ben Henry. Contributing writers: Jonny Spazz, Mike Merz, Josh Read, Patrick. Wolf photo by Nancy Stapler on Unsplash. Drill photo by Toni Friedemann from Pexels. 

#ToxicMasculinity #DadJokes #SexyDadJokes #podcast #awesome #Manliness #PowerDrills #Funcle #Cisgender #Transgender #GenderSpectrum #Pronouns #Nonbinary #PCCulture #Spanking #He-Man #She-Ra #BillyCorgan #HomeImprovement #ToolTime #TimAllen #Sopranos #TonySoprano #BrendanFrasier #BlastfromthePast #AlphaMales #AlphaWolves #TopDog #DavidMech #BenJammin #JonnySpazz #Merz #Amerzing #Square50sGuy

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