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Superheroes are dominating our screens once again. What can we learn from this super moment? Does idolizing superheroes set up toxic standards that men can never achieve? Who are the real superheroes? And are we seeing more diversity among the legions of the super-powered?
Ben talks about the blurred lines of morality. Jonny doesn’t get “extra” ordinary. Merz gets twitterpated — again. Ben goes BENanas. Josh sings the anti-hero song. The Tick hosts Superheroes Got Talent with special super guests vying for a spot among Destiny’s Pantheon of Justice. Merz unleashes his magical beard of heroism. Jonny’s superpower surprises nobody. Ben calls out our “vigilante fetish,” and Square 50s Guy creates a new superhero. Jonny wets his plants while Josh reels him in, and the Macho Man gives Jonny advice. Oh, and let’s not forget … lots of Mystery Men references!
SHOUT-OUTS: Aquaman, WandaVision, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ted Cruz, Superman, Batman, The Tick, Mystery Men, Ben Stiller, Janine Garafalo, William H. Macy, Shameless, Groot, The Spleen, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Snowflake, Kid Quick, Catwoman, Tank Girl, Supergirl, Barbed Wire, Electra, Halle Berry, Swordfish, Michael Keaton, Adam West, Clint Eastwood, Hillary Swank, Million Dollar Baby, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Punisher, Dalph Lungren, Tom Baker, Guardian vs. Warrior, Moonlight, Loki, Mystique
#ToxicMasculinity #DadJokes #SexyDadJokes #podcast #awesome #BenJammin #JonnySpazz #Merz #Amerzing #Square50sGuy